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Scottish Breeds 2008 Critique

I should like to thank the officers and committee of Scottish Breeds for inviting me to judge Deerhounds and I also thank my two stewards. Not having judged for four years I was disappointed in the overall quality, particularly the dogs, and fronts most definitely need to improve drastically, nevertheless I still had some quality dogs and I thank all the exhibitors who took the trouble to enter.

PD. 1. Rose’s, Gentiehun Tain. Lovely 7 months old pup with good forechest. Excellent second thigh and good angulation. Dark eye. Neat feet. Still in puppy coat. One to watch. BP. 2. Foy's, Glenfoyble in the Gloaming. Another lovely puppy. Well presented. Not quite the angulation of winner. Moved well covering the ground. 3. Barclay's, Leoch Garry.

JD. 1. Hawkins’, Kwaricott Archimago. Lovely young dog. Best forechest in class. Good all round angulation. Covered the ground well both standing and on the move. Good feet. Excellent coat. 2. Peach's, Kilbourne Firechief. Challenged hard. Lovely head. Adequate rear angulation, feet and front not as good as winner. 3. Gillie's, Dorrator Gethan.

GD. 1. Cunningham's, Killoeter Lamlash at Aonachdubh. Good coat and feet. Adequate rear angulation. Moved well. 2. Mulligan's, Brylach Macgregor. A big dog who moved well, covering the ground, but in poor coat. 3. Beckett-Hughes’s, Ghiltan Honesty of Mulranny.

PGD. 1. Gilhooly and Morrisey's Lord Seafield of Hartvalley. At 3 plus this dog is maturing well. Moved with drive using the large ring to his advantage. Neat ears and dark eye giving a typical expression. CC. Taylor's, Lyart Yes Minister. Another good dog of smaller size but everything in the right place. Nothing exaggerated. Moved well. Good coat, well presented. 3. Trotman and Dockree's, Regalflight Princequillo of Penherald.

LD. 1. Cheshire's, Neroche Hennessey of Deeranwith. Well proportioned dog, nothing exaggerated but with good rear angulation. Good feet. Neat ears and dark eye. Moved well covering the ground. RCC. 3. Wiggan's, Killoeter Grilse.

OD. 3. Shackleton's, Rosslyn Neill.

PB. 1. Rose's, Gentiehun Mia-May. Lovely puppy of correct size. Excellent coat. Adequate angulation. Dark eye, neat ears. Moved well. 2. Foy's, Glenfoyble Filliberry. Challenged closely but not quite the angulation of winner. Moved well covering the ground. Neat ears, dark eye. One to watch. 3. Robertson’s, Chuillin Afra.

JB. 1. Mansell and Duddell's, Canerikie Co Co Chanel. Lovely balanced bitch with no exaggerations of correct size. Tight feet. Dark eye and good tail carriage. Moved with drive covering the ground using the large ring to advantage. 2. McBean's, Killoeter Morven. Challenged winner very closely. Lovely head and expression, dark eye, neat ears. Good feet and tail carriage. Moved well. One to watch. 3. Parsons and McKinnon's, Claonaiglen Mallie.

GB. 1. Cartmell's, Dream Dance for Cusidh. Promising young bitch with good angulation. Correct tail carriage. Dark eye, neat ears. Moved well. 2. Gow's, Anmialchu Beinn an Cabar. Not such a good head and expression as winner. Moved well covering the ground both standing and on the move. 3. Cartmell's, Cluaidh’s Boon to Cusidh.

PGB. 1. MacBean's, Killoeter Leyla. Lovely bitch with good all round angulation. Harsh coat. Dark eye, neat ears. Moved well using the ring to her advantage. Pressed hard for top honours. 2. Mansell and Duddell's, Canerikie Co Co Colada. Excellent movement covering the ground with purpose. Good shoulder and rear angulation. Preferred head of winner. 3. Rose’s, Killoeter Kyla.

LB. 1. Williams’s, Kilbourne Iduna of Inverclyde. A well balanced bitch with good front and correct rear angulation. Good feet. Moved well covering the ground. RCC. 2. Doak's, Rosslyn Mantra. Lovely outline and harsh coat. Neat ears, eye. Covered ground on the move but lost out to winner over her front. 3. Guise's, Saintvalery Hope.

OB. 1. Parsons and McKinnon's, Claonaiglen Orrin. One I have liked from a puppy. A true example of a Deerhound. Something that we seem to have lost along the way. No exaggeration. Neat feet. Lovely head and expression. Moved well, a joy to watch. Well deserved CC and BOB. 2. Trotman’s, Fosses Rambling Rose of Penherald. Moved well. Good harsh coat. Dark eye, neat ears. Not such a good rear end as winner. 3. Guise's Saintvalery Anticipation.

Sue Reynolds 


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